Monday, May 18, 2009

Grandchild #2
MyHotComments Nana loves you my little Angel!

Trish is having problems with her pregnancy. Chris, my oldest son, told me today. I am just devastated. My heart is just broken. Trying to keep busy with everyday things, to keep my mind busy. But my own memories come back, I start thinking about things more and I start crying. There's nothing I can do but pray. Another question to add to my list of why?

Life is so precious...hug the ones you love and embrace the ones you love in your heart that you will never hug. Nana loves you my little Angel!


Faith said...

I am sorry that you are so sad...
prayers for you...your son, and his dear sweet family.....

Beansieleigh said...

Prayers are on the way for Grandchild #2, you, and your family. Take care of each other, and take care of you.

Ghost said...

My heart goes out to you.