Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Magical Day at Oglebay Resort
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Slippers and Moore Slippers!!!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Remember Me???
I took a train out to Winona, MN. My son, his fiance' and daughter were to come back to VA, but that changed several days before I left. I ended up bringing my son back home with me. I got to see my grand-daughter for 45 mins. before we had to leave to catch the train. So heartbreaking for all of us. I keep hoping and praying that Holli and Abby can move back to VA to be with us all and they can work things out.
The twins, Colby and Clayton, are growing up so fast! They turned 2 in April. And so smart! Saying their ABC's, writing letters - YES letters! Spelling words, and knowing what an oval, heart, star, and octagon are! Nana had to look up what an octagon is! LOL They are so loving and we are so blessed. ^Hayden^ would be a very proud brother too! They definitely would have kept him busy and on his toes - that's for sure! Can't believe it has been 3 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days since ^Hayden^ left us to go to Heaven. I miss him so much. I miss my Mom so much too. Not a day goes by that the 2 of them are not in my thoughts. Not fair they had to leave so soon. But I know ^Mom^ and ^Hayden^ are together having fun.
I'm still crocheting and crafting when I can. Still running my charity - 14 years in July. Hard to believe - and so many people we have helped! On my hook right now: Just made 76 pairs of slippers to mail to OK for the tornado victims. Found a yarn store in Tulsa that is asking for afghans and washcloths to give. I asked if I could make slippers and they were excited to get them! My goal is 100 pairs...been working like a wild woman to make them to help. I've made them in children and women sizes. Many thanks to Bev Q. for her wonderful slipper pattern. It is my favorite! Will post pics when I get them ready to box!
They day that I resigned from work, I went to the Dr. I have been having severe foot/heel pain. I was diagnosed with "Plantar Fascitis" and a bone spur. My left foot is the worst. It hurts so bad to walk. I was hoping to get casted for my feet to get a new arch support, but my insurance will not cover it. So had to buy these inserts to put in my shoes. Just so I can walk. I guess 28 years in nursing finally caught up to me! It is really painful. Ice and ibuprofen are my best friends now! The supports do help and I am able to walk with less pain. Getting old really does suck!
Still single. Went out with 2 guys for lunch and dinner dates. Just didn't work out. Very nice gentlemen, but I'm not ready. I was hurt pretty bad and still trying to get over the pain from that. Hopefully one day I will find the right guy. But my focus now is my family :)
My 1998 Chevy Cavalier has a grand total of.....drum roll please.... 319,000 miles! 300 miles to 320,000! I know - poor thing! I feel every mile too! hahaha Was hoping to get another car and put her to rest. But have to wait now! Here's a picture to show when it turn over to 318.
My Dad is doing ok. He has had a bout of Cancer on his face and neck. They gave him chemo cream to apply and it kicked it. But it came out on the other side of his face. Still fighting this battle. I wish he was closer to me...he lives in CO. Can use some prayers for my Dad too! Thank you!
Have a HUGE prayer request: My son, Steven. My preemie, you know? He was complaining of a ear ache several weeks ago. He went to the Dr. and was put on an antibiotic. He told me the other day that his ear wasn't any better and that he found a lump in his groin. I told him to go to the Dr. Thru a wonderful mess there (I won't get into it!) and my calling to complain...I'm a Mom and a nurse - I sure did! They finally checked him out and did bloodwork. They referred him to see a surgeon. They next day, he was told his bloodwork is wacky and now has to see a hematologist. Needless to say we are all worried and scared. (I hate being a nurse at times.) So his appointments are on June 12th. Please keep Steven in your prayers. I'm beating myself up inside worrying about this and Steven. I will keep everyone posted.This is Colby sitting on Uncle Steven's lap writing ABC's and Uncle Matt looking at them! This was taken yesterday at my oldest son's, Chris, house. We went there for a cookout and had fun with the boys! I love my family so much!
Till the next time - hugs and love to everyone!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I'm still here..... :)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Happy 1st Birthday Colby and Clayton
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Where does time go????
It's been 2 years since the love of my life, ^Hayden^, has passed away. 2 years. Doesn't seem possible. My heart is still empty without him. I miss his smiles, his laughter, him saying my name, watching him blow kisses to people - that I taught him to do. I miss him. But I know he is with GG and they are having fun in Heaven. My Mom and I made a pinky promise and I know she followed thru. I know ^i^
It's been a year since my Mom passed away and her birthday is coming up April 14th. She would have been 76 years old. I miss her so much. More than anyone knows. Just to quiet and lonely at the house. But I keep going on.
Abby is now 7 months old. They are still in MN. I miss them too. Haven't got to see her or hold her yet. But she knows her Nana's voice on the phone. So funny to hear this little girl do raspberries on the phone! Just funny!!!
And the twins! Colby and Clayton will be a year old April 27th. What a joy to see them grow and develop their own personalities. They are doing great. Next visit to Duke in May. So far, by the Grace of God, they do NOT have SCID's like ^Hayden^ had. What brings alot of joy to my heart is that I do the bunny hop song with them. I did this with ^Hayden^ and he would laugh and have the biggest smile on his face...then he would say "do gin" (do again!). Colby and Clayton love it too when I do that with them. Big smiles and laughs. Can't wait till I hear them say "do gin"!!!
Starting a new nursing job in MD next week. Yes, it's 45 miles from home, but the pay and the benefits were hard to pass up.
Still crocheting, and learning new knitting techniques. Having fun learning to knit. It's been a year too!!! But my first love will always be crochet! I'm hooked! hahahaha :)
Till the next time.... hug the ones you love and those those you don't too! :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011
Remember Me????
Anyway, I posted some pictures of things i have been working on thru the summer, fall, and now into winter on my Crafty Cupboard site. Will post more after the New Year!
As for Abby, she is 3 months old and doing great. I know Matt and Holli are excited about having their First Christmas together as a family. They are still in MN. Miss them bunches too! Can't wait till they move back to VA!
As for Colby and Clayton - the kids got a letter last week from Duke telling them that they do NOT have SCID's!!! They are healthy and thriving boys!!! They have to go back in May for more testing, but as it stands right now - they are SCID FREE!!! So Chris and Trish got the best Christmas present this year - along with the rest of us! I know Hayden and Mom are having fun together in Heaven and looking down on us all. We all love them and miss them so much.
Well, will close for now. Everyone have a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!! Stay safe and keep on crafting! Thanks for being my friend throughout the years and for being such support thru all my up's and down's. I cherish all of you!!! Until 2012 - Hugs and Love to you all!!!