I just wrote a big story and shared pics and the computer decided not to take it! So trying this again!
Colby and Clayton was born April 27th, 7 weeks early. Baby A Colby was 3 pounds 15 ounces and Baby B Clayton was 4 pounds 5 ounces. Trish had to have a c section and she is doing fantastic. Both boys are now over 4 pounds and last night they are in a crib - still in the NICU. But they are doing great! They will be taking a trip to DUKE in NC for further testing of SCID's. But this is a one happy Nana! They are so adorable! Just like their parents! I know Hayden would be so proud to have twin brothers! Mom couldn't wait till they were born too, and missed them. But they have 2 very special angels watching over them!
Will share more later when I can get to a computer. I miss all my blog friends so much - I missing out on alot! Everyone take care and hope to share more soon!!! Hugs to all!